If you've not considered staying at a YHA you should

I’ve always begrudged having to pay upwards of £65 a night to stay in a prefabricated box on the side of a duel carriage.  Not once in over 15 years of being on the road did I ever find a room at the advertised from price of £29.99.

The reality of UK retail at the moment is big distances between retailers which means the occasional overnight stay is the only effective way to manage a territory.  Suddenly the cost of a hotel is the difference between earning and not.  So that’s when I took a look at the Youth Hostel Association.

With hundreds of interesting locations across the country I can stay in a clean bed, with a good shower for an average £13 a night.  Yes – it’s a dormitory, but there’s free parking and wifi and at the moment that’s all I need.

I’ve not met any freaks as yet – which is actually quiet disappointing.  Hang on what's that saying?  “If you’re in a group and can’t work out who the weird one is – it's probably you.”

You get to stay at places like this - without a Brewster the Bear in sight.

You get to stay at places like this - without a Brewster the Bear in sight.